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Rural innovation: developing real solutions for smart and resilient rural areas in Europe

Publicado por Admoneuropa2020
martes, 09 de marzo de 2021 a las 11:21

Almost one third of Europeans live in rural areas that make up over three quarters of the EU’s total land area. These areas contribute an enormous amount to European societies and culture and are also a key arena in the fight against climate change and for better resources management. This CORDIS Results Pack features 9 EU-funded projects that have been working hard to nurture rural innovation potential and positively contribute to the EU’s long-term vision for rural areas.

Whilst all too often the cities and other urban areas are touted as the bastions of innovation with rural areas being consigned to the background, this is in fact far from the truth. Rural innovation potential is actually high and powered by a strong natural resource base and community spirit, a smart utilisation of tacit knowledge and the use of cooperation and social innovation to overcome barriers, such as weaker infrastructures and services. Rural areas have a crucial role to play in ensuring the stewardship of natural resources, as well as mitigating the effects of climate change, all ultimately enabling the transition to a truly green and sustainable Europe. For rural people to play their part, rural communities need to be smart, resilient and attractive places to live, work and visit.

The challenges faced by rural areas

Rural areas in many European countries have experienced a population drain in recent decades as young people flock to the cities. Consequently, they often have to deal with fewer opportunities. 

COVID-19 has also shed new light on the vulnerabilities and interdependencies of both rural and urban communities, with many reports of city dwellers returning to rural regions with increased appreciation for more space and fresher environments. Rural areas have also faced major difficulties, including fewer possibilities for teleworking, poor online connections that hinder the homeschooling of children and even more pressure on their already stretched basic services, including healthcare provision.

An EU emphasis on rural innovation

This is where the European Commission’s plan for the development of a long-term vision for rural areas comes into play. The end goal will be to provide a holistic vision up to 2040 that will allow for the development and implementation of innovative, inclusive and sustainable solutions tailored to rural regions in light of the climate crisis, the ongoing digital transformation and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.


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