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Free Electrons is the world’s largest open innovation program designed to bring disruptive energy solutions to market

Applications close: January 24, 2025

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Free Electrons

Free Electrons

Selected startups will collaborate with leading energy utility companies to provide innovative solutions driving the energy transition.

Participants will gather worldwide and engage in both in-person and virtual modules designed to accelerate their progress.

The program offers a fast track for startups to grow and scale their businesses, test solutions, and access potential investment opportunities.


The program includes a series of modules held across the globe (physically and digitally), where startups work closely with The Utility Partners, local accelerators and mentors to refine their company’s solution and explore options to jumpstart their solution’s growth.

Each module is structured to facilitate ongoing conversations between startups and utilities to refine value propositions, seed pilot projects, and explore investment opportunities.

Free Electrons offers startups the opportunity to:

  • Test their solution and identify product-market fit with the guidance of industry experts and mentors.
  • Develop a viable pilot project alongside the world’s leading energy utility companies.
  • Receive training and support while attending fully sponsored events throughout the program.


  • Applications close: January 24, 2025
  • Kick-off event: Week of March 10, 2025. Selected startups will showcase their solutions and teams during a dynamic project pitch event.
  • Bootcamp: Week of May 19, 2025. The Bootcamp focuses on understanding startup solutions and matching them with concrete challenges.
  • Master Module: Week of July 7, 2025. The Master Module emphasizes collaboration with industry experts and learning from successful practical cases.
  • Grand Finale: Week of October 13, 2025. The final module focuses on solidifying negotiations and defining scalable projects with growth potential.

For more information and to apply, visit Free Electrons.

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