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Sudoe Open Day

INTERREG SUDOE- 4th call for proposals

el viernes, 10 de mayo de 2019 de 10:00 a 16:00



Luxemburgstraat 3


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Interreg Sudoe 3ª Convocatoria

Interreg Sudoe 4ª Convocatoria

Next May 10, IrRADIARE, Science for Evolution organizes the OPEN DAY in Brussels for the preparation of the INTERREG SUDOE proposal addressed to the next 4th call for proposals. IrRADIARE welcomes all representations of cities, regions, associations, universities, industries, as well as other interested parties with a great interest in sectors such as: research and innovation, environment and resource efficiency.

DIRECTED TO: Mainly to representations of authorities or other entities of the SUDOE region, even if it is not closed to the participation of other regions. The event is aimed at sharing ideas by concepts and finding possible associations.

OBJECTIVE: SUDOE OPEN DAY is to meet new partners, learn about the program, its priorities, present project ideas and learn more about the strategies of PT-ES-FR.


10:00 - 10:30 Welcome coffee

10:30 - 10:35 Welcome address, ERRIN 

10:35 - 10:45  Round table participants’ introduction 

10:45 - 11:00   Interreg Sudoe- Programme and open call introduction,   SUDOE Secretariat

11:00 - 11:15   Presentation of concepts under Axis 1, IrRADIARE 

11:15 - 11:30   Presentation of concepts under Axis 5, IrRADIARE 

11:30 - 13:00   Debate and comments 

11:30 - 13:00   Networking lunch

14:00 - 15.30  Concept development tables 

15:30 - 15.40  Reports from the tables 

15:40 - 16.00  Wrap-up and next steps. 

DATE: May 10, 2019

HOURS: 10 to 16 hours

PLACE: IrRadiare, 3 Luxemburgstraat in Brussels

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